Impeachment of Mayorkas Progresses, Sans Dems

As discussed here on January 8, the US House of Representatives is (finally) considering the impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas, whose department has done anything but its job. The articles of impeachment charge that Mayorkas has . . .

willfully and systemically refused to comply with the immigration laws, failed to control the border to the detriment of national security, compromised public safety, and violated the rule of law and separation of powers in the Constitution, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

You can read the full document here.

Today, the secretary responded to the effort, calling the charges “baseless” and “false.” In a letter to House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green, Mayorkas adopted a defiant stance, saying, “I assure you that your false accusations do not rattle me and do not divert me from the law enforcement and broader public service mission to which I have devoted most of my career and to which I remain devoted.”

The Committee is expected to vote later today — no doubt on party lines — on whether to send the articles to the full House for a vote at a later time TBD.

The number of illegal migrant encounters at the border during December, released in a Friday afternoon data dump, was 302,000, a new record. Mayorkas apparently believes that “processing” those illegal entries — rather than preventing them — is what his job consists of. True to the Democrat playbook, in his letter to Rep. Green, Mayorkas blamed the laws, instead of the putative law enforcers for the debacle, saying, “Our immigration laws last received an overhaul in 1996. Our immigration laws were simply not built for 21st century migration patterns.”

House Democrats are falling in line to defend their party’s Department head. Democrat Committee members issued their own “report” on Monday, accusing the Republican majority of “abusing” the impeachment process (an amusing charge to those who remember the perpetual impeachment attempts against former President Trump). The Ranking Democrat Committee Member Bennie Thompson said:

Republicans don’t actually want to work towards bipartisan solutions to fix the border – in fact, they have repeatedly sabotaged the Secretary’s efforts to secure the border and denied DHS’ funding requests. Secretary Mayorkas is upholding the law and honoring the public trust as he has throughout his more than 30 years of service to our Nation.

The clown show continues.

For more, see FoxNews.


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