Biden Bashes Japan

President Joe Biden recently insulted the Japanese by calling their country “xenophobic.” That is so, he claimed, because they do not embrace our commitment to unending mass immigration. According to Biden, we are prosperous “because we welcome immigrants.”

He neglected to note that the chief beneficiaries of this prosperity are the economic elites of our society. As economist George Borjas has pointed out, immigration depresses workers’ wages and thereby increases the profits of employers.

Biden went on: “Think about it,” he said. “Why is China stalling so badly economically, why is Japan having trouble, why is Russia, why is India, because they’re xenophobic. They don’t want immigrants. Immigrants are what makes us strong.”

These assertions are certainly debatable. Japan has its problems, but its economy is still better than the economies of most countries. China and India have economic problems too, but they have made impressive strides in recent decades. And even the Russian economy still manages to function, despite the efforts of the U.S. and other countries to derail it with sanctions.

Meanwhile all of these countries still retain their traditional identities and cultures. Alas, the same can’t be said for our country where immigration-fueled “diversity” is making us anything but strong.



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