It’s Not the Economy, Stupid (It’s Immigration)

Yesterday's Republican caucus in Iowa -- won handily by former President Donald Trump who left precious little behind for the three remaining also-rans to...

Laura Ingram Was Right

Quote Below: More Misinformation from the Media: “Laura Ingram’s attack on illegal, and in some cases legal, immigration harks back to a time when my...

Democrat Senators Take Hard Stance on Amnesty

Democrat senators addressing a group of Hispanic media outlets said they will take a hard-line position on amnesty, specifically stating that legislation granting it must allow illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship.

Criminals Headed Our Way

Some Venezuelan criminals may be headed to the United States in search of a better life of crime. Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice Magistrate...

Four Migrant Ships: Meloni Admits 3, Macron Whines at Taking 4th

An intra-European tiff has erupted between newly elected Italian PM Giorgia Meloni--usually referred to by the mainstream press as "Far-Right Giorgia Meloni"--and France's President...

FOX News Sells Out on Amnesty

Fox News, which once offered commentary against amnesty, now appears to support it.

Illegal Immigration Increases

Illegal immigration across the Mexican border is increasing as shown by the Border Patrol's apprehension statistics. In fiscal 2015, the Border Patrol apprehended 331,333 illegal aliens at the border. In fiscal 2016 the total was 408,870, an increase of 23 percent.

GOP’s Gov. Christie Wants Tuition Discounts for Illegal Aliens

A likely Republican presidential contender in 2016 wants to give special favors to illegal aliens.

Graham Challenges Voters to Remove Him

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), a long-time support of supporter of amnesty and mass immigration has challenged voters in his state who oppose this agenda. At a recent Capitol Hill press conference, Graham stated, "To the people who object to this, I don't want you to vote for me because I cannot serve you well." The senator said he wanted to be "fair" to the 11 million illegal aliens now living in the U.S. as well as increase legal immigration, now running at the highest sustained level in our country's history.

DHS Said To Be Directing “Backdoor Amnesty” for Illegals

Border Patrol Agent Gabe Pacheco, an officer of National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 in Southern California, said on Wednesday that Border Patrol agents...