‘Mexi-fornia’ Embraces Illegal Aliens

On Sunday a California newspaper columnist described how the "State lurches forward on immigration reform." "Twenty-one years ago, California voters passed Proposition 187, which sought...

Kochs Call Illegal Aliens ‘Patriots’

The LIBRE Initiative is running ads calling DACA illegal aliens 'patriots.' Libre is backed by the Koch brothers, two "conservative" billionaires who support mass immigration. The ad narrated by a DACA illegal alien states, “We work hard, put food on the table, care for our families, and we pledge allegiance to this flag. We are patriots. We are DREAMers."

Rubio Condemns U.S. Elites

Sen. Mario Rubio (R-FL) levels strong charges against America's economic elites in his recently published book, Decades of Decadence: How Our Spoiled Elites Blew America's...

Staffer Attempts to Block Senators from Border Facility

This past weekend, 18 Republican senators toured the southern border in Texas, visiting several BP facilities along the way. At one of the first stops,...

31,000 Lobbyists Working on Immigration Legislation

The greedy push for cheap labor knows no limits.

DOJ Sues Companies

The Department of Justice has reached a settlement agreement with a Maryland company for discriminating against American workers. It was violating the anti-discrimination provision...

“Immigration Essential?” No, Says Neil Munro

In his speech to Congress the other night, Joe Biden made the claim that "immigration has always been essential to America." That's such a...

Poles Oppose Migrant Quotas

Recently we reported that Poland will hold a referendum in October on whether that country should follow mandates from the the European Union (EU)...

MS Aliens Stole Citizens’ IDs

After the immigration raids at poulty plants in Mississippi, illegal alien advocates suggested, as they often do, that illegal immigration is a victimless crime....

Covid Infected Illegals Released

The city of McAllen, Texas, issued the following statement: "Since mid-February of 2021 there have been over 7,000 confirmed COVID-19 positive immigrants released into...