‘Mexi-fornia’ Embraces Illegal Aliens

On Sunday a California newspaper columnist described how the “State lurches forward on immigration reform.”

“Twenty-one years ago, California voters passed Proposition 187, which sought to deny public benefits to illegal immigrants.”

The courts voided that law, uncontrolled immigration has continued, and California has gone from Ronald Reagan’s GOP base to a one-party state where the Democrats and Gov. Jerry Brown are making the state’s estimated 3 million illegals as legal as possible: driver’s licenses, college aid, law licenses, etc.

Most recently, it was made illegal for a business to discriminate against illegal aliens, and state-backed health care coverage was extended to illegals under age 19.

The columnist notes that Californians now support amnesty and calls that “a welcome awakening to reality.”

The true reality is that the nation’s ruling elite has allowed aliens to displace Americans in our largest state — and will do the same to the entire country unless the people stop it.

Column here:  http://www.dailyrepublic.com/opinion/statenationalcolumnists/state-lurches-forward-on-immigration-reform/

Posted 10/12/15 by Andrew Lewis


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