Staffer Attempts to Block Senators from Border Facility

This past weekend, 18 Republican senators toured the southern border in Texas, visiting several BP facilities along the way.

At one of the first stops, the group met with border agents along the American bank of the Rio Grande. Mike Braun (R-IN) reported that smugglers across on the Mexican side could be heard heckling the senators and border officials in Spanish.

“Whatever you do, we’re coming!” the coyotes yelled.

Later, at a migrant processing and holding center in Donna, Texas, the visitors were met by a DHS employee who told them not to take photographs and attempted to block Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) from viewing the facilities in which UACs (Unaccompanied Children) were being held. The two then engaged in an energetic discussion, where the DHS staffer claimed “respect” as the reason for her no-photos demand and Cruz insisted that respect was the reason for his visit.

Cruz and Braun and the rest continued to photograph what they saw and refused to delete the photos, in spite of the DHS demands. Braun said afterwards, “None of us would have gone down there if we were going to be muzzled.”

Cruz called the border situation the worst he had ever seen, and Braun charged Biden with importing eventual new Democrat voters.

Meanwhile, the attempts by the Biden officials to prevent the senators’ access set off a firestorm of opposition. For example, former Trump advisor Sebastian Gorka tweeted, “This mindless drone of a woman is exactly the type who made sure the trains ran on time to the gulags.”

For more, see the Washington Examiner.


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