Analysis: Amnesty Bill Encourages Hiring Illegals

The Amnesty Bill doesn't only grant amnesty, it also regulates the wages that employers must pay immigrant workers.

Massachusetts is Full

We've spent a lot of time talking about the travails of poor New York City, which is apparently collapsing under the weight of migrants...

Illegal Alien Advocates Demand ‘Rights’

An illegal alien advocacy group, United We Stay, is demanding a "Bill of Rights" for illegal aliens. One is an end to deportations of "all law-abiding undocumented Americans." Evidently this group doesn't consider immigration laws to be laws. They also demand in-state tuition at public colleges, medical care, and "wage equality." They say they are entitled to these benefits because they have "human rights." They make no mention of native-born citizens having rights.

Smugglers’ Boat Disintegrates; Four Dead, 27 Injured

An overloaded smugglers' boat came apart in rough seas off the coast of San Diego, California, on Sunday, killing four (some reports say three)...

Illegal Aliens Now “Newcomers”

What's in a name? Anxious to remove altogether any suggestion that those millions of illegal border-jumpers admitted by Biden to the US are anything but...

Pelosi: No Wall

House Minority Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was asked, if her party regains the House, would she be willing to accept a border wall in exchange for some legislative concessions from the Republicans. She replied that she would trade "nothing" for a wall. She explained that securing our Mexican border in this fashion would be "immoral .  .  . not something people do between countries." Pelosi added that a border wall is a "manhood issue for [President Trump]."  Read more at

King: End Capitol Hill Sanctuary

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has introduced legislation to empower Capitol Hill police to enforce immigration law. This would allow them to arrest illegal aliens who protest in Washington. Said King, "The Capitol Police, a federal law enforcement agency, do not have explicit statuary authority to enforce our immigration laws. Without clear authority, they are not investigating the immigration status of protesters opening claiming that they are here illegally while disrupting committee proceedings and shutting down congressional offices." The congressman added that it makes no sense to seek an end to sanctuary cities when Capitol Hill offices "serve as sanctuaries for lawlessness."

The Battle over Title 42

Will Title 42--the CDC program that has made possible immediate expulsion of illegal migrants entering from Mexico--be eliminated on May 23, as the administration...

Obama Appears to Encourage Illegal Voting

In an interview President Obama seemed to encourage illegal aliens to vote. Actress Gina Rodriguez asked the president: "Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens...

Automation Fills Labor Shortage

Immigration advocates claim that we must import foreign workers because we face a "labor shortage." What they fail to note is that automation is...