NYC Closes One Tent City, Opens a New One (Also in Flood Zone)

As we noted in this space yesterday, the city of El Paso, Texas, has joined some Republican governors in shipping migrants to Northern cities,...

Sessions: ‘Catch and Release’ Over in Trump Era

Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared "a new era" in immigration law enforcement on Tuesday, saying his Justice Department will take an active role in stemming...

Senators Vow Continued Fight against Amnesty

Conservative senators, including Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), have vowed to continue their efforts against the "Gang of Eight" Senate amnesty bill. They maintain the most recent proposed changes to enhance enforcement are inadequate.

Restriction Helps Workers

Townhall writer Shakil Hamid affirms that immigration restriction helps American workers. He notes that: "No one, least of all me, will deny that many immigrants...

Biden Immigration Policies Empower Cartels

Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies has published an alarming report on The Federalist website, detailing how current U.S. immigration policies are...

Majority Wants the Border Closed

A poll by Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, found that 55 percent of likely voters want our border closed...

Republicans Quietly Adding Amnesty to House Defense Bill

House Republicans are quietly adding language to a Department of Defense authorization bill that allows permanent residency to "DREAMers" if they serve in the...

Tea Party vs. Establishment on Border Bill

Legislation to deal with the illegal alien crisis in Texas is becoming a fight between conservative lawmakers who want to fight the Obama policies...

Illinois Politicians Predict Amnesty Passage this Year

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) predict that Congress will pass amnesty for illegal aliens this year. Gutierrez, a leading advocate of...

Surge in the Snow: Northern Border Apprehensions Up 743%

Our land border with Mexico and Florida's Atlantic coastline are not the only parts of America vulnerable to migrant invasion in the Age of...