French Court Nixes Referendum

French presidential candidates Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour are patriotic reformers who want to curtail immigration to France. Both promised that if elected...

Three States Sue Administration

The attorneys general of Arizona, Louisiana and Missouri are suing the Biden Administration to stop it from ending Title 42, a provision which expedites...

States Form Border Strike Force Alliance

In response to the Biden Administration's failure to secure the border, the governors of 26 states have formed a "Border Strike Force" alliance. Its...

New: The Immigration Plot

Today we direct your attention to an essay posted here yesterday titled "The Immigration Plot: How left-wingers plan to transform America’s electorate to achieve...

Mexico Gives Transit Visas to 15K-Member Caravan

The caravan that we reported on on June 6 had by yesterday reached the Mexican town of Huixtla, 26 miles north of Tapachula, their...

Changes May Weaken U.S. Security

The State and Homeland Security Departments announced changes to the Immigration and Nationality Act to make it easier for foreigners with ties to terrorists...

Biden Builds a Wall, Sort Of

Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security announced it would fill four large gaps in the uncompleted border wall near Yuma, Arizona. Although Joe Biden...

ACLU Wants 287(g) Ended

The radical-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has asked the Department of Homeland Security to end 287(g) agreements with 54 local law enforcement agencies....

UACs Going Missing

As we've noted here previously, Unaccompanied Children (UACs) illegally coming across our southern border are not subject to quick removal, through Title 42 or...

Krikorian: Democrats Support Open Borders

Mark Krikorian, head of the Center for Immigration Studies, charges that the Democratic Party favors open borders, i.e., no restriction on foreigners coming and staying in the United States except for a few dangerous criminals.  He  notes that the party leadership resists all proposals to increase border security and tighten internal enforcement of immigration law. He cites the statements of Democratic leaders to bolster his case: "Nancy Pelosi in 2013  put it very clearly: 'If somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.' Hillary Clinton said much the same during one of the 2016 primary debates: 'Of the people, the undocumented people living in our country, I do not want to see them deported.' Likewise with Bernie Sanders, at the same debate; in response to Jorge Ramos's question, 'And can you promise not to deport immigrants who don't have a criminal record?' Sanders answered, 'I can make that promise.' "  Read more at