Mexico Gives Transit Visas to 15K-Member Caravan

The caravan that we reported on on June 6 had by yesterday reached the Mexican town of Huixtla, 26 miles north of Tapachula, their starting point. There, according to La Prensa Latina, they paused upon hearing that Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM), which previously had acted to discourage northward-bound migrants, had had a “surprising change of heart.”


The first evidence that this caravan, purported to be the largest ever, would be treated differently by the INM from those in the past had come earlier, at the five-mile point. There INM officials and Mexican National Guardsmen had simply stood by and watched the migrants pass.

Then, as many reached Huixtla, came the announcement that each caravan member would receive a Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM), a tourist visa good for 30 days, long enough for them to reach the U.S. border. By Wednesday afternoon, more than 2,100 such documents had been issued, with more to come.

By today, 5,000 caravanners, assured that a path was being cleared for them, planned to depart Huixtla, with or without visas, and continue their trek toward the U.S. on buses.

On Wednesday, reporters asked President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, currently boycotting Biden’s Summit of the Americas, if there would be any expanded military deployment on Mexico’s southern border to deal with the caravan. To that he replied, “What is being done is normal, there is no special plan.”

Normal or not, the fact that the caravan’s departure was timed to coincide with the Summit is no accident. Latin American leaders like Lopez Obrador (and, for example, President Bolsonaro of Brazil) are clearly flexing their muscles in the face of an aged U.S. president they regard as weak and ineffectual.

As the United States sinks into the third-world status that is being orchestrated by the woke elite that rules us, more and more countries around the world will be re-considering their ties. It is in their own interests to do so. Unfortunately, no one in Washington cares about American interests.

For more, see La Prensa Latina.


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