Got-Aways Are Out of Sight

The number of illegal migrants escaping detection while crossing our border–otherwise known as “got-aways”–is an elusive metric inevitably under-estimated. The only thing we really know about it is that it’s large–and getting larger. At the end of August, we reported:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is reporting that so far this fiscal year the number of got-aways is estimated to have ballooned up to 340,000, an increase of 90,000 since June. The CBP estimates that fully 1,100 migrants avoid capture each and every day.

But wait. When the fiscal year ended a month later, the estimated total for the year was not 340,000 but 400,000. FY 2021 ended with a bang.

But that was last year, before FY 2022 started with an even bigger bang. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is now estimating that since the beginning of October, 47 days ago, at least 75,000 got-aways have already gotten through. And forget that 1,100 per day figure. The CBP estimates that each day 1,800 and 2,000 migrants are getting away. Taking the lower estimate and extrapolating for the full year, the estimate for FY 2022 would be fully 670,000! And remember, got-aways are nearly always under-estimated.

Add to that figure the hundreds of thousands of “asylum seekers” we admit and the millions of “guest workers,” students, refugees, “humanitarian parolees,” and lawful immigrants of all stripes and it’s hard to argue that we even have any borders any longer.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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