Ukraine Giveaway Could Have Built the Wall

The $60 billion just given to Ukraine by Congress and the Biden administration could have instead financed the entire border wall championed by former President Donald Trump.

During Trump’s tenure, about 450 miles of the wall were built at a cost of about $15 billion. On average, each mile of wall costs between $20 million to $45 million. Sixty billion dollars  could have completed the wall, with money left over. Instead, one of the most corrupt countries in the world will receive it, and $300 million will go to the State Border Guard Service and the National Police of Ukraine, protecting Zelensky’s border and leaving our own wide open.

The latest giveaway comes on top of $125 billion already spent on Ukraine’s losing war with Russia. As Sen. Doc Marshall (R-KS) said on Wednesday, “Enough is enough.” He continued:

Under the Biden Administration, Venezuelan drug cartels have been given more operational control of our southern border than U.S. Border Patrol agents. More than 11 million illegal aliens, including thousands of Chinese nationals, have been imported into every state in America – and we have absolutely no idea who these people are. Biden’s own DHS Secretary testified five days ago that he doesn’t know if our security technology at the border is even operational. This is America’s most important national security issue, and it isn’t even close.  We cannot continue selling our grandchildren down a river and sending another $60 billion that we do not have to Ukraine. . . . [Emphasis added]

The giveaway was supported by virtually all Democrats in the House and Senate and by 151 Republican representatives and 22 Republican senators.

For more, see Breitbart News.



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