Replacement Is Real

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“Fox News’Tucker Carlson continued to push replacement theory on Fox News Tuesday night.

“Replacement theory is a conspiracy held by white nationalists that foreigners are being brought into the country to dilute or ‘replace’ the white population.

“Carlson has repeatedly talked up this idea, and he recently straight up said President Joe Biden is pushing ‘great replacement’ policy.

“He played comments from Biden in 2015 talking about immigration making America a more diverse country, and said, ‘his policy is called the great replacement, the replacement of legacy of Americans with more obedient people from far away countries. They brag about it all the time, but if you dare to say it’s happening, they will scream at you with maximum hysteria.’

“Carlson continued Tuesday night, telling viewers “the entire purpose of the Democratic party’s immigration policy is to change the population of the United States” to ensure they win elections.

“He called that ‘electorate packing.’

“The evidence Carlson provided that this is real was a Jennifer Rubin column.

In a recent Washington Post column, Rubin argued that Democrats should not give up on Texas. ‘Democratic hopes that demography would deliver Texas have not been wrong, but perhaps just premature. The 2020 congressional races suggested that while the fight for Hispanic votes remains competitive, the sprawling suburbs around major Texas cities are increasingly moderate.’”

“Carlson claimed that proves replacement theory is real.

“‘In other words, crows Jen Rubin, the great replacement plan is working!” he said. ‘It’s helping the Democratic party. That’s the whole point!’”—Tucker Carlson Continues Great Replacement Theory: Democrats Want to ‘Change the Population,” Josh Feldmanm Mediaite, 10/5/21. [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: This writer labels “the great replacement” as a “conspiracy theory,” one advanced by “white nationalists.” The message is that demographic displacement is an unfounded claim advanced by disreputable people. But this theory is hardly unfounded. Immigration is in fact systematically reducing the white percentage of the U.S. population. Some who point this out may be disreputable, but that isn’t proof that they are wrong. The question next to consider is whether mass immigration advocates are consciously promoting the displacement. The truth is that a number of them are. One is President Biden who stated that it was “a good thing” that whites will become a minority. His actions as president are consistent with that goal.

Tucker Carlson’s concern about the great replacement is political rather than racial. He maintains that the Democratic Party is consciously using immigration as a means to gain more political power, what he calls “electorate packing.” The writer seems to think that the quote from Jennifer Rubin is insufficient evidence for Carlson’s claim. In truth it is just one of many pieces of evidence. Prominent Democratic strategist Robert Creamer endorsed the concept of replacement in his book How Progressives Can Win. There he stated that Democratic promotion of mass immigration and amnesty for illegal aliens would create a grateful electorate loyal to the party, an electorate which would give the Democrats permanent control of U.S. politics.

Currently, immigrants vote Democrat by a margin of two to one. It’s preposterous to think that the party’s highly attuned leadership isn’t aware of this fact. Certainly, they are aware of the role of immigration in transforming once conservative states like California into a Democratic strongholds. Tucker Carlson notes that many immigrants favor the statist politics of the Democrats because they come from authoritarian countries. If immigration were reduced, they would have a better opportunity to assimilate to our country’s constitutional values. But the Democrats want no decrease in mass immigration. Certainly this is their party’s interest, even if it isn’t the national interest.

The great political replacement is not a conspiracy, and it’s not a theory. It’s a reality carried out in plain sight.


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