Zuckerberg Group Endorses Obama Edict

FWD.us, a pro-immigration group created by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, has filed a legal brief with the Supreme Court urging it to uphold President Obama unconstitutional edict granting legal status to illegal aliens. Joining Zuckerberg's group in filing the pro-edict brief were 60 tech business leaders.

ATD Doesn’t Work

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden proposes to do away with detention of illegal aliens who are facing hearings. Instead he proposes steps to keep...

Criminals Come with Caravans

Democratic lawmakers have maintained that there were no dangerous criminals traveling with migrant caravans. A document from Customs and Border Protection reveals otherwise. It notes that in a caravan of 8,000 migrants that arrived in California, 660  people had U.S. criminal convictions. It said, “Nearly 40 were convicted of assault or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Three individuals were convicted of murder.” Read more at wnd.com 

Enrichment in California?

A recent poll found that 62 percent of Californians believe that the best days of the state lie in the past rather than ahead. It also found that 53 percent of Californians would like to move somewhere else. These findings are interesting because immigration advocates maintain that immigration always promotes cultural and economic enrichment. California has both the highest percentage and number of immigrants in the country.  So why are so many Californians so disenchanted? Read more at edelman.com

Most Voters: Illegal Immigration Is Serious Problem

A new Rasmussen survey found that 67 percent of all likely U.S. voters believe that illegal immigration is a serious problem. Forty-seven percent described it as "very serious." Only 32 percent said it was not a serious problem, with eight percent saying it was "not serious at all." Read more at rasmussenreports.com

Mexican Birth Certificates Now Available In USA

The Mexican government today begins issuing birth certificates to its citizens at its 50 consulates in the U.S., seeking to make it easier for...

Diversity Kills Democracy

Columnist Ilana Mercer affirms that excessive diversity brought about mass immigration is a threat to democracy and nationhood. Diversity is not a strength, she...

No Evidence of Labor Shortage for H-2B Jobs

The recent federal spending bill authorized an expansion of the H-2B visa program, for seasonal workers not in agriculture. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) justified this provision by claiming that there is a shortage of these workers. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) investigated Ryan's claim and found no evidence of a shortage.

Mechanization Can Harvest Crops

MSNBC has been running a five-part series entitled "What's Eating America?." It endorses the claim that we must have mass immigration to harvest our...

Virus Crisis Will Accelerate Automation

A recent survey of businesses found that the coronavirus crisis is likely to accelerate automation of jobs now done by people. Even before the...