Diversity Kills Democracy

Columnist Ilana Mercer affirms that excessive diversity brought about mass immigration is a threat to democracy and nationhood. Diversity is not a strength, she...

Bloomberg Likens Enforcement to Holocaust

Democratic Presidential candidate Micheal Bloomberg likens efforts to secure our border and limit immigration to the Holocaust. The former New York Mayor stated: “Today marks...

Court Upholds ‘Public Charge’ Rule

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the Trump Administration's "public charge" rule. This provision makes it harder for immigrants to become permanent...

Soros Funds Anti-Nationalist University

Multi-billionaire currency speculator George Soros is donating a billion dollars to create a university network to fight "nationalism." Soros is a globalist who seeks...

Birth Tourism Targeted

The Trump Administration has issued a new rule to help prevent "birth tourism." Under the current interpretation of the law, anyone born on American...

Trump Supports Mass Legal Immigration

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, gives President Trump good marks for his efforts to deter illegal immigration. But the...

Biden Would Restrict Deportation

Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden said that if elected president he would largely ignore laws requiring the deportation of illegal aliens. He stated,“No one...

Judge Blocks Refugee Order

A federal judge has blocked President Trump's executive order that allows states and localities to refuse refugee resettlement. Texas recently choose this option. The...

CIS Reports on Immigration Numbers

The Center for Immigration has produced an immigration brief entitled "The numbers matter." Its introduction states: "A record 45.8 million foreign-born people reside in...

Texas Refuses Refugees

Texas became the first state to opt out of refugee resettlement under the terms offered by an executive order of the Trump Administration. "At...