Hillary Moves Left on Immigration to Woo Hispanics

Hillary Clinton wants to stop deporting illegal aliens, offer them U.S. citizenship and allow them to obtain driver's licenses.  Before she began her presidential...

Trump: Dems Willing to Shut Down Government to Protect Illegals

President Trump accuses Democrats in Congress of putting the protection of illegal aliens above the protection of Americans.  During his weekly radio address, the President...

Coulter: ‘Hispanics Wouldn’t Vote GOP If You Held A Gun To Their Head’

After watching the Democratic presidential contenders at the Tuesday night debate call the NRA the "enemy," Ann Coulter wrote: "I gather Democrats have...

Trump Hasn’t Kept ‘Anchor Baby’ Promise

Under existing policy, any child born on U.S. territory--even to illegal alien parents--is automatically an American citizen. As such, they can serve and an...

Why George Will Is Wrong on Immigration, the GOP, and Conservatism

Daniel Greenfield on Frontpagemag.com today explains why George Will is wrong in leaving the GOP and supporting amnesty and mass immigration. Greenfield writes: "George Will has left...