Carlson: Open Border Is ‘Criminal’

Commentator Tucker Carlson charged on X (formerly Twitter) that open border advocates violate the “core precepts of democracy” by ignoring the desires of most Americans. He maintained that their behavior is criminal. Said Carlson:

“Our country is changing faster than it ever has. But not though democratic means, but instead by force through waves of mass immigration that not a single American voted for. What’s happening is a crime. It violates and the core precepts of democracy which is that citizens get to to govern their own country.

“This is election rigging on a mass scale, and it’s fueled by anti-white racial hostility. That is not a guess. The people doing it say so out loud. They brag about it. . . . What’s happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and NGOs responsible for it are criminals, who should be punished accordingly.”

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