Boehner Lawsuit Against Obama Doesn’t Even Mention Immigration

Attorney and author Andrew McCarthy in a recent National Review article examines the curious failure of House Speaker John Boehner’s lawsuit challenging President Obama’s lawless and unconstitutional actions to mention immigration.  McCarthy notes that Obama’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and his creation by edict of a program (DACA/DREAMer) allowing hundreds of thousands of illegals to stay and work here are probably his most blatant violations of the constitutional separation of powers and usurpation of the role of Congress.  Yet the Boehner suit only challenges Obama’s actions regarding Obamacare.

McCarthy concludes that, while Boehner is happy to stoke public outrage over Obama’s immigration policies, he and most of the GOP establishment support amnesty and mass immigration — and would not really mind it if Obama “solved” the problem with a mass amnesty edict.


Posted 8/9/14 by Andrew Lewis


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