Talk Show Host “HAS HAD IT UP TO HERE” With Pro-Illegal Lies

Pat Gray is a talk radio and TV host who is a co-host of the Glenn Beck Radio Program and does a show on the Blaze network. When Hillary Clinton recently applauded the bravery of an illegal alien woman at a conference whining about all her hardships due to the fact she is here illegally, Mr. Gray wrote a column demolishing all the weak, illogical myths that support the de facto open borders/amnesty policy in effect in America today.

Gray asks: “Is it our responsibility to change our laws and our society to accommodate all the children of illegal aliens?…Why are we the only nation on earth that is expected to behave this way?”

“When talking about the Bundy Ranch situation in Nevada, Harry Reid recently said, ‘This isn’t over. We can’t allow people to break the law and just walk away.’ What an amazing thing for him to say. Because we do exactly that for 11 to 20 million people every day. We allow them to break the law , and just walk away.”

Gray then effectively refutes all of the straw-man arguments the alienists constantly repeat: we have to give them citizenship because they are already here and we can’t round up 12 million people; our border is too long to secure; illegals only do jobs Americans won’t do; we can’t break up families; etc.

This is a must-read article written with passion and logic by an American patriot.

Posted 4/26/14 by Andrew Lewis



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