Princeton Survey: FY 2024 to Set All-Time Record for Illegal Encounters

The Princeton Policy Advisors, a conservative think tank headquartered in Massachusetts, has issued a report forecasting Fiscal Year 2024 to set a new record in illegal alien encounters on our borders. The report reads:

We forecast U.S. southwest border encounters by Customs and Border Patrol at 2.7 million for FY 2024, based on the last three months of data, adjusted seasonally. Apprehensions look to come in just a hair above 2023 levels. Inadmissibles, those presenting at official crossing points without appropriate documentation, are slated to rise by almost 200,000. [Emphasis added.]

The report adds than another half-million parolees and got-aways bring the estimate to 3.2 million, enough — in the words of the Washington Examiner — to exceed US job growth and “likely swamp new job openings.”

For more, see the Washington Examiner.


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