Obama’s Contempt for Rule of Law Creates Immigration Chaos

An article posted today by Arnold Ahlert shows that the Obama regime’s release of convicted alien criminals and refusal to detain an even larger number of criminal aliens encountered by ICE agents constitutes the substitution of a political agenda for the rule of law. 

An excellent summary, based in large part on two recent Center for Immigration Studies reports, concludes: “The nation is rapidly approaching a level of institutional lawlessness in which government can no longer protect us from criminal enterprise for the simplest and most disturbing reason: it is endorsing that criminal enterprise.”

Posted 5/15/14 by Andrew Lewis  Note by poster: this is a classic example of what the late Sam Francis called “anarcho-tyranny” where the ruling regime refuses to perform a basic duty required by law – protect Americans from criminal aliens. Contrast to the treatment by Obama’s IRS of peaceful, patriotic “Tea Partiers.”

Source: utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&uhttp://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/arnold-ahlert/a-new-level-of-illegal-immigration-chaos/?tm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017294ffe-Mailchimp_FrontPageMag&utm_term=0_57e32c1dad-2017294ffe-156533637


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