Migrants Attempt to Rush Border

Sometime around midnight on Monday, January 3, a group of about 200 mostly Central American migrants attempted to force entry into the United States at the Camino Real International Bridge in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Apparently responding to a rumor that the Biden adminstration was allowing free entry at that border crossing, the migrants, consisting of both single adults and family units, suddenly began to show up by the hundreds, forcing authorities to close the bridge for at least an hour. Officials from both the U.S. and Mexico moved in to prevent the rush and persuade the migrants to return to Mexico. Eventually, after spending hours on the bridge, they were taken to a shelter in Piedras Negras on the Mexican side.

The erratic, uncertain, and often apparently welcoming stance taken by the Biden government to illegal migration has made the huge community of would-be asylees susceptible to frequent rumor, which travels quickly among them via social media. This is no way to run a border.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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