McConnell on Border Bill: “On Second Thought. . .”

Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, is obsessed with Ukraine and what he feels is America’s duty to defend that egregiously corrupt nation to the expense of everything, including our own border security. For that reason, he has worked closely for months with majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on a bill that is now raising howls of opposition among everyone not similarly obsessed. Now, old Mitch, after testing the political winds, is having cold feet about backing the bill he helped concoct.

McConnell met with his Republican colleagues in the Senate on Monday night and, according to reports, advised them to vote AGAINST advancing the bill that he himself apparently still supports. That vote is expected to take place on Wednesday. In an about-face reminiscent of John Kerry’s being “for it before I was against it,” the super-annuated McConnell seems to be both before and against the bill AT THE SAME TIME! How’s that for cognitive dissonance!

Citing a changing “political mood in the country,” the senator doubtlessly looks back nostalgically at the old days of last year when protecting Ukraine was widely viewed — thanks to American media — as the most important thing EVER IN ALL HISTORY, far more important than guarding our own borders. Unfortunately for the aged McConnell, too many Americans have since come to recognize that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is an international grifter of the first order whose personal fortunes are not worth emptying our treasury of whatever wealth it might still retain (it consists of nothing more than credit worthiness at this point) in order to prop him up.

As Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) yesterday shouted in an all-caps tweet: “WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP — NOW.”

For more, see Punchbowl News.



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