Interrogation of Terrorist Mastermind Reveals Plan to Use Immigration – 10 Years Ago

Dr. James Mitchell, the man who personally interrogated 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, said on Fox News Wednesday that the admitted Muslim terrorist told him they would use lax immigration to attack the infidel West.  “He was warning of this very kind of thing ten years ago,” Mitchell said, “His predictions are already coming to pass.”  Mitchell was referring to the recent Berlin bombing and other attacks by Muslim immigrants and refugees in Europe and the U.S..

Mitchell, who was able to obtain information from the terrorist using enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding (now prohibited), said Mohammed told him America’s civil liberties and openness were gifts from Allah that would allow Sharia law to infiltrate the West.  Mohammed said the easiest way to win the long battle to take over the world was through immigration.  “Political correctness allows them to operate in our midst without being challenged, said Mitchell.

Despite this clear warning, so-called leaders of the U.S. and European nations have increased admissions of citizens from terrorist regions.  The results are as tragic as they were predictable.








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