Families of Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Invite Boehner to Visit Border

Family members who have lost loved ones to illegal alien criminals allowed to run free in the U.S. by the ruling political elite have sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) inviting him to meet them at the border.  Breitbart News reported Wednesday on the letter and the sad stories of the forgotten victims of rampant illegal alien crime.

The letter includes the following: “We invite you to see firsthand the invasion and lawlessness that is destroying our beloved country, and how you (and others) have given de facto permission and unfettered access to the perpetrators who have killed our loved ones, leaving our families in complete grief and disbelief as to ‘how’ this horrific tragedy was allowed!  What about our children, Mr. Boehner?  Where is the out-cry for OUR children and American families?”

Source: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/07/30/Exclusive-Illegal-Alien-Crime-Victims-Invite-Boehner-His-Family-To-Border-Plead-For-Enforcement

It is safe to predict that Speaker Boehner will decline this heart-felt invitation, and will likely spend his August recess playing golf with his big business buddies. Posted 7/31/14 by Andrew Lewis


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