Sessions Vows Hard Fight against Amnesty Edict

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has vowed that he will fight "harder than ever" against President Obama's edict granting legal status and work permits to five million illegal aliens. Sessions has been one of the leading critics in Congress of Obama's claim that he can decree laws.

Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose Obama Edict

A Fox News Poll found that fifty one percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama's edict to legalize millions of illegal aliens and give them work permits. Forty-three percent per cent support it. Another question asked if it was proper for Obama to bypass Congress to make this decision. Sixty percent said it was not, and 38 percent said it was. A CNN poll found similar results.

Palin Warns GOP: Stop Obama Amnesty or Face ‘America’s Wrath’

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday said Republicans in Congress must block Obama's amnesty and his "fundamental transformation of America" or face "America's...

Do GOP Leaders Secretly Support Obama Amnesty?

Ben Shapiro of contends in a video posted today that House Speaker John Boehner and other top Republicans have chosen a legislative strategy that...

Obama Blames Talk Show Hosts for Outrage

President Obama blames conservative talk radio for stirring up strong outrage against his recently proclaimed amnesty edict. He does not entertain the possibility that Americans have perfectly good reasons of their own for opposing his unconstitutional actions.

Obama’s ‘Temporary’ Amnesty Intended To Be Forever

The man running President Obama's amnesty said Tuesday that one reason for the "temporary" program was to get millions of illegals working on the...

Democrat Mayors To Recruit Illegals For Obama Amnesty

Democrat mayors of over two dozen cities announced Monday an effort they call "Cities United For Immigration Action" to assist President Obama's amnesty plan....

Anti-Obamnesty Lawsuit Lands In Friendly Court

The Texas-led state lawsuit challenging Obama's executive amnesty plan may be off to a good start, according to a story in Sunday's Washington Times....

A Look At The States’ Immigration Lawsuit

Attorney Gabriel Malor posted today "A Lay Person's Guide To The States' Immigration Lawsuit Against DHS" at The lawsuit alleges that Obama's new immigration scheme...

Sessions: Obama Wants Amnesty Before People Realize Ill Effects

In a blistering denunciation of President Obama's amnesty edict on the Senate floor Thursday, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), accused Obama of trying to implement...