Politicians Plan to Revive Amnesty Bill After Elections

Congressional supporters of amnesty and increases in legal admissions are planning to revive the Gang of Eight bill that passed the Senate but stalled...

Why George Will Is Wrong on Immigration, the GOP, and Conservatism

Daniel Greenfield on Frontpagemag.com today explains why George Will is wrong in leaving the GOP and supporting amnesty and mass immigration. Greenfield writes: "George Will has left...

Trump’s Warning on Muslim Immigration and Terror

On Thursday, Rich Lowry of the anti-Trump National Review  published a column admitting that Donald Trump was right on the connection between Muslim immigration...

Clinton’s Open Border Plan Exposed

Julia Hahn on Wednesday posted the most detailed -- and alarming -- analysis of Hillary Clinton's extreme open borders plans yet published. Clinton promises...

Trump Calls Clinton’s Immigration Policy a “Disaster for Our Country”

Donald Trump told Breitbart News in an article posted Saturday, that Hillary Clinton wants to increase illegal immigration and the admission of Syrian "refugees,"...

Is Immigration the Issue that Could Defeat Hillary Clinton?

Columnist T. A. Frank, writing at Vanityfair.com on Tuesday in "The One Issue That Could Destroy Hillary Clinton," argues that the media may have...

Elites Support Mass Immigration

Historian and columnist Victor Davis Hanson writes today about the class divide on the immigration issue: "Elites more often support lenient immigration policies; the...

Paul Ryan Still Pushing Mass Immigration

House Speaker Paul Ryan worked for mass immigration enthusiast Rep. Jack Kemp back in the 1990s and seems to have noticed none of  the...

Illegal Aliens Will Try to Pressure Court

On April 18th the Supreme Court will begin hearing arguments on President Obama's unconstitutional edict granting legal status (amnesty) to millions of illegal aliens. On that day thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters plan to demonstrate in Washington in hope of influencing the Court to rule in favor of Obama.

Poll: Most Oppose Refugee Resettlement

Despite heavy media propaganda in favor of refugee resettlement in the U.S., a Wall Street Journal poll reveals that 56 percent of Americans believe that the “U.S. should take in fewer refugees or none at all.” The Obama Administration wants to bring in refugees from Syria, but its own FBI director concedes that we do not have the means to screen out potential terrorists from that country.