Britain Loses Freedom

Most Americans believe that Great Britain is a free country. But increasingly this is not the case. In Britain, as in some many western countries these days, basic freedoms are being sacrificed to placate the gods of mass immigration and diversity.

To illustrate, consider the case of a young father, Sam Melia, who recently received a sentence of two years in prison for posting stickers in his community. The British judge who sentenced him claimed that the stickers incited hatred. The following were the messages that they carried:

Nationalism is Nurture; Reject White Guilt; We Will Be a Minority in Our Homeland by 2066; Love Your Nation.

If these rather mild statements constitute hatred, they certainly pale in comparison with the venom that Muslims and other diverse minorities in Britain often direct against traditional British society and culture. Seldom do they have to worry about state action against their speech.

We Americans are fortunate to have our constitutional protection of free expression. Unfortunately, we have many people who want to want to circumvent that protection. They aim to outlaw speech they hate by labeling it “hate speech.” Typically these same people also promote tolerance and diversity. Ironically, they won’t tolerate viewpoints diverse from their own.



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