Biden Admitted >24,000 Chinese Illegals in FY 2023

Yesterday, we told you that in the recently completed Fiscal Year 2023 that federal officials on our southern border had admitted — and mostly released — more than 61,000 migrants from so-called “Special Interest” nations.

China is not on the list of such nations, in spite of ample reason to suspect that large numbers of its citizens routinely act as spies for the Chinese Communist Party. Nevertheless, Department of Homeland Security is reporting that during FY 2023, authorities admitted — and again largely released — more than 24,000 Chinese migrants who had illegally snuck into the U.S.

As with the SIAs, this number represents a huge spike over the previous year of FY 2022, when 1,987 were apprehended. (That figure, in turn, represented another huge increase over the previous year, when only 342 Chinese migrants were caught.)

More than 80 percent of the migrants are single adults, and most are released to pursue bogus asylum claims in the United States.

Why, suddenly, have so many Chinese followed the arduous and expensive route from South America, up through Panama’s Darien Gap and into Mexico on the way to the U.S. border? Washington likes to believe — or more properly would like you to believe — that these individual adults are “dissidents fleeing poor conditions in China.” Yet interviews with them have yielded surprisingly few results and little confirmation. The Border Patrol points to the “language barrier,” though given that there are an estimated 3.5 million Chinese speakers already in the United States, you might think interpreters could be hired rather easily. Another factor, possibly more to the point, is the sheer volume of illegal border crossers (sometimes averaging 10,000 per day), which has overwhelmed agents who can do little but throw up their hands and release en masse.

Given the current events in the Middle East, it would be nice if someone in Washington began to wonder about the wisdom of admitting such a huge potential fifth column into our country. But don’t expect that from the current bunch.

For more, see Breitbart News.



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