Biden Admits 61,000 “Special Interest Aliens”

According to the Department of Homeland Security, a “Special Interest Alien (SIA)” is a non-US citizen whose travel history suggests involvement in possible terrorist activity. Logically, a sane government would discourage such persons from entering the country, yet Breitbart News is reporting that in Fiscal Year 2023, which ended on September 30, border authorities admitted no fewer than 61,471 such persons, most of them young men of military age, and released most of them into the U.S. to pursue highly dubious “asylum” claims.

This number was more than double the number encountered in FY 2022 (more than 25,500), but the tally from both years exceeds 86,000.

According to Breitbart’s sources, the following Special Interest countries were represented in the total: more than 5,600 Afghans, 3,000 Egyptians, nearly 2,500 Somalis, 2,500 citizens of Bangladesh, nearly 1,300 Pakistanis, 1,200 Eritreans, and almost 1,000 nationals of Tajikistan and Kazakstan. In addition, nearly 1,700 special interest migrants from Iran, Syria, Morrocco, Jordan, Djibouti, Iraq, Yemen, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates illegally entered the United States.

Gaza may be coming to a neighborhood near you.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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