Local Officials Fear Amnesty Bill Pushes Costs Onto Local Taxpayers

As Congress takes up immigration reform, Los Angeles County officials are voicing concerns that local taxpayers will be “left holding the bag” to pay for the brunt of healthcare and other services for the multitudes of immigrants who apply for citizenship.

Local and state officials believe the overhaul bill will encourage those in the country illegally to come out of the shadows and turn to local services during the proposed 13-year-long pathway to citizenship.

“The one thing that’s really clear as day is that the federal government is going to be protecting itself against costs, and we’re going to be left holding the bag,” said Mark Tajima, an analyst with the county’s chief administrative office.

In Washington last week for the start of the debate, county officials, including Supervisors Don Knabe and Zev Yaroslavsky, warned of a “major cost shift” to state and local governments from the proposed legislation and pressed Congress to provide federal aid to help cover future costs.

Read more at the L.A. Times.


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