There They Go Again

A massive caravan of illegals — from Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Venezuela, and who knows where — is headed north from the southern Mexican city of Tapachula. Growing quickly from an initial 5,000, the group is said to now number 7,000, making it the largest migrant caravan in more than a year.

Though caravans invariably tend to dissolve eventually and well before reaching the US border as walkers turn around or get rides, there is a degree of safety afforded by travelling in a large group instead of singly or in family groups. Those who do the latter are often preyed upon by robbers, kidnappers, and worse.

One of the leaders of the caravan, Irineo Mujica, a U.S. citizen, told a reporter that US President Joe Biden’s immigration policies were responsible for the crisis on the southern border. Mujica claimed that immigration had been “weaponized” against the US by countries in Latin America which were “ganging up to make sure all this immigration goes straight into the United States.” Saying the situation was “not normal,” Mujica said the administration “does not know what to do with immigration.”

Biden, Mujica said, should have reached an agreement with Latin American leaders to stem the tide of migrants. And he did not. Maybe that was what Kamala Harris was supposed to do but couldn’t trouble herself.

For more, see the NY Post.



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