NYC and the Migrant Hot Potato

Hot potato pass it on
Hot potato pass it on
Hot potato pass it on
Get rid of the hot potato
           – Children’s song

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said yesterday that the Biden-inspired migrant crisis was “a national embarrassment” and should have “a national response.” Part of that national response, according to Adams, would include a billion dollars of federal taxpayer money deposited in his city’s coffers. That money would pay for “shelter . . . food, education for children, health care,” and the many other needs of the more than 30,000 asylum seekers Adams says arrived at the city toward the end of last year.

Some of those so-called asylum seekers (arround 5,000 so far) were sent to NY by Texas Governor Greg Abbott as part of his Operation Lone Star. Other red state governors, such as Arizona’s Doug Ducey, have contributed as well, but Adams is now complaining that even blue states like Colorado have gotten into the act. He added: “[W]e were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado has now stated that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York and Chicago.”

Colorado, it may be remembered, has also been on the receiving end in this migrant hot potato game. As we reported here on December 16, illegal migrants have been arriving in Denver from Texas without any clear indication of who was sending them. And before that, during the Trump administration in 2019, the Democrat governor of New Mexico is known to have shipped some Central American migrants to the Mile-High City. Just this month, Denver’s mayor declared the city in a state of emergency due to the reported “more than 3,000” migrants arriving at the city’s gates since December 9.

Will Adams pass his hot potato along? If so, where? There are reports that Florida–which has its own problems with illegals–is next in rotation. Meanwhile, Old Joe in Washington, lost in a neurocognitive fog, thinks everything is swell. What a circus.

For more, see the NY Post.





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