Mayor Says “No mas!”

We have followed the sanctuary journey of New York City and its mayor, Eric Adams, for many months now–through all his ideas and notions, some of them reasonable, some half cracked, of what to do with the horde of illegal aliens that are steadily arriving at that most sanctimonious of American cities, which all the while keeps insisting that they really, really welcome the third-world multitudes.

As recently as Wednesday of this week, we noted that Adams was planning to deploy a couple of gigantic tents, one at a racetrack and another at a disused insane asylum. Now we learn that, also on Wednesday, considering the influx of a reported 90,000 unhoused illegal aliens in a little over a year, the mayor is throwing in the towel. “No mas,” he said in English. The city has “no more room for migrants. . . . our cup has basically runneth over. This cannot continue, is not sustainable, and we’re not going to pretend as though it is sustainable. This is wrong that New York City is carrying the weight of a national problem.”

Who knows what that actually means. Will Hizzoner erect walls and gun towers around Manhattan, to prevent migrant access in a sort of reverse Escape from New York? Not likely. More probably he will insist on lots and lots of money ($4.3 billion and counting) from the federal government, which means us.

The interesting thing is, uber-Democrat Adams has no one to blame but the senile leader of his own party, Joe Biden, who couldn’t care less about the national problem as long as the ice cream and the aromatic little girls hold out.

It’s almost funny.

For more, see Fox News.


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