Kamala Harris No Longer Even Pretending

Kamala Harris, appointed by Old Joe to be his Immigration-Fix-It girl, is no longer even feigning an interest in the subject. The New York Post reported yesterday that the Veep “has been consistently absent from the ongoing immigration debate… [and] in recent months, she’s limited her discussion of the issue to one-on-one meetings and exchanged public declarations for paper statements.”

RealClearPolitics adds, also yesterday:

Immigration has disappeared from the vice president’s public schedule. A compilation of that schedule by the Los Angeles Times, reviewed by RealClearPolitics, shows that Harris has not hosted an immigration-specific event since last summer. The last one, a meeting with Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander leaders in the White House last August, touched briefly on immigration.

Kamala Harris’s tenure in this assignment was brief but altogether too long. While she watched her real goals be realized–a massive, unstoppable surge of illegals–for a while she felt obligated to make a show of it. Like muttering stuff about “Root Causes” and going down to places like Honduras and Guatemala to dangle a few billion American taxpayer dollars in the faces of the ruling caudillos in exchange for a photo-op. She never actually made it to the border where it’s all happening, her one trip to the city of El Paso being 800 miles off the mark). But does anyone believe it would have made a difference? Because, to her and to the professionally woke cabal pulling her strings from backstage, her time in the saddle was a smashing success.

“So far this fiscal year, the U.S. is on target to have processed at least two million illegal migrants, most of whom will be admitted forever. And we’ve only just begun. Life is Good!”


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