Immigrants Are People, Not Saviors

The Quote Below—More Misinformation form the Media

“One of these days, maybe, we’ll figure out what a blessing immigrants are, and we’ll build turnstiles instead of walls. For now, we are fortunate that immigrants are apparently smarter than immigration officials and definitely more tenacious, so as they continue to stream across the border they are saving us from ourselves.

“The (at any given time) “crisis on the border” is a crisis only in logistics. There are thousands of willing workers that could be easily matched with much-needed work were it not for policies requiring them to sit in camps instead of resupplying critical labor shortages.

“Politicians in Texas and Florida do not want to see this, because they prefer the storyline of ‘Mexican rapists,’ a dependable stream of votes and campaign cash.

“In a poll released recently, MAGA respondents said the quiet part out loud — 71 per cent oppose immigration reform. Yes, oppose. This could be because they do not understand what immigration reform does (a distinct possibility), or it could be that they are addicted to the drama.

“Immigrants stoke fears in people living in, say, Minnesota, for whom the next Latino they see in person will be the first. But immigration has always been the lifeblood of this country, and there is evidence that in the coming decades we will need it more than at any time since the Industrial Revolution.

“For all the economic policy chatter — Keynesian, trickle down, deficit spending, supply side, stimulus — the financial fortunes of a nation can be described in one word: demographics. Population increase = economic growth.

“It doesn’t take an economics degree to understand why. More people mean more production, more consumerism, more business, more tax revenue, more investment, more energy, more ideas. . . .

“This may be horrifying news to a white nationalist, but that very same white nationalist will in future years depend on these immigrants to fund his social security check, to keep his taxes lower than they would be otherwise, to harvest the food that is on his table and to provide his care when he’s in the hospital being treated for diabetes or in the nursing home.

“One day an immigrant may save his life by helping discover a cure for cancer. . . .” — MAGA’s Opposition to Immigration Reform Is Major Mistake, Tim Rowland,Herald Mail Media [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: This mindless adulation of immigrants, no matter who they are or whatever their numbers, is tiresome and truly offensive. It suggests that backward and inferior Americans must look to immigrants “to save us from ourselves.” In reality, immigrants as human as anyone else—no better, no worse. Yes, an immigrant may discover a cure for cancer, or he might be a terrorist who detonates a nuclear device in an American city. We need immigration restrictions to separate, as much as possible, the good from the bad, and set a level of immigration commensurate with our national interest.

The writer of this article criticizes “MAGA respondents” for not supporting “immigration reform.” The reason is that this so-called reform isn’t reform at all. It is a manipulative term that immigration advocates typically use to describe their agenda of mass amnesty for illegal aliens and other measures which aid and abet illegal migration.

The writer also suggests that office holders who take a dim view of “immigration reform” are just doing it for “votes and campaign cash.” A better explanation is that they wish to represent the views of their constituents. Commonly, conservative politicians promoting “reform” get ample campaign contributions from cheap labor interests, while liberals aim to get cheap votes.

This article makes the tiresome claim that we need a endless flood of immigrants to meet our alleged “labor shortage,” with no reference at all to the fact that automation in the near future will do many of the jobs now done by people, thus reducing the need for labor. And contrary to the author’s assertion, immigration will not bail out Social Security.

The assertion that prosperity requires sustained population growth is childishly simplistic. A number of small countries with stable populations are in the top ranks of prosperity. Examples are Switzerland. Denmark, and Singapore. Conversely, some African countries with some of the world’s highest birth rates are among the most impoverished. It is true that a big population correlates with a big economy, as measured by GDP. But a large economy doesn’t necessarily offer a good standard of living to average citizens. The national GDP of Bangladesh is much greater than that of Denmark, but the average Dane is much better off than the average Bangladeshi. The key measure for prosperity is not national GDP, but per capita GDP.

How prosperous a county becomes depends on a number of factors. One most definitely is having a common culture and common values, which enable people to work together. The “diversity” of mass immigration undermines this unity. Also most helpful is the rule of law, which further enables people to work in harmony. Massive illegal immigration undermines rule by law. As a practical illustration, after decades of mass immigration we are less united and economically vibrant than we were before that demographic deluge began.


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