Environmentalists Are Silent

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) recently drew attention to how illegal aliens are trashing our parks and other public lands. Speaking at Coronado National Forest in Arizona, Tills pointed to an piles of garbage left by illegals in the wake of their movement.

“I want to know,” the congressman asked, “when the environmental groups of America are going to stand up for what are supposed to be the best places in America because the environmental degradation going on here is really unconscionable.” He added that he hasn’t heard even “a peep” about this issue from the Sierra Club.

In the past, the Sierra Club actually did care about the impact of immigration on the environment, but that changed completely 20 years ago when a man named David Gelbaum contributed $100 million to the organization. He stipulated that “[I]f they [Sierra] ever came out anti-immigration, they would never get a dollar from me.” Since then Sierra has kept quite about the matter. For some environmentalists, greenbacks are more important then the preservation of greenery.

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