Disney Blacklists American Workers

In January The Walt Disney Company laid off American tech workers after forcing them to retrain their foreign replacements. Now one of those American workers reports that Disney has placed him and the other fired Americans on a "black list" which prevents them from being hired by any contractor working for Disney. Immigration advocates constantly claim that there is a great shortage of American tech workers, which makes it necessary for U.S. companies to hire foreigners.

Real Solutions to Immigration Crisis

Retired immigration officer Michael Cutler exposes the dishonest slogans used by corrupt politicians and offers real solutions to the alien invasion in an article...

Immigrants Get Most Jobs in Obama ‘Recovery’

"Does Illegal Immigration Explain The Disconnect Between Jobs And Wages?" is the title of an article posted Tuesday by John Hinderaker at Powerline.  He writes:...

Santorum: Use E-Verify to Send Aliens Home

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum stated that use of the E-Verify system is the proper way to deal with the 11 million illegal aliens in living in the U.S.. E-Verify, which is now voluntary, enables the employers who use it to check with federal data bases to screen out employees who are unauthorized to work in the U.S. If the system were mandatory for employers, say its supporters, most illegal aliens would not be able to find work, and they would go home on their own without being deported.

DHS Releases Hard-Core Alien Criminals

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released 3,700 "Threat Level 1" illegal alien criminals from custody while their deportation cases were being heard. The government claimed that court cases required the release of these criminals onto the streets of America. But House Judiciary Chairman Robert Goodlatte (R-VA) found that 57 percent of a total of all releases of criminals held in detention were discretionary. They could have been kept in custody. The Obama Administration has justified its lax enforcement against most illegal aliens on the grounds that it wants to focus its resources on deporting the most dangerous criminals among them.

Amnestied Illegals Who Failed to File Tax Returns Will Still Get Credits

If Obama's amnesty edicts are allowed to go into effect, illegal aliens can receive taxpayer-funded tax credit checks based on work they performed illegally...

Feds Fail to Supervise Dangerous Aliens Released Into U.S.

Obama's DHS is releasing aliens, both legal and illegal, under the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) while awaiting disposition of their removal cases.  ISAP...

Poll Confirms Aliens Voting in U.S. Elections

A poll confirms that large numbers of aliens are illegally voting in U.S. elections - in numbers great enough to have already made the...

Ann Coulter’s New Book Is Now Available

Ann Coulter's new book, Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn America into a Third World Hellhole, is now available for purchase. With her acerbic wit and penetrating insight, Coulter makes the case that mass immigration is destroying the historic American nation. The following are some quotes from her book. On building a border wall: “People who live in gated communities tell us fences don’t work.” On welfare: “Today’s immigrants aren’t coming here to breathe free, they’re coming to live for free.” On how the media shut down the immigration debate: “It can be difficult to discuss America’s immigration policies when it’s considered racist merely to say, ‘We liked America the way it was.’”

Democrat Majority Favors Illegal Aliens Voting

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey found that 53 percent of likely Democrat voters believe that illegal aliens should be able to vote if they pay taxes. Overall, 60 percent of likely U.S. voters say illegal aliens should not vote; 35 percent say they should; and five percent are undecided. Only 21 percent of Republicans support voting by illegal aliens.