Released Illegal Aliens Commit Violent Crimes

An investigation by the Boston Globe found that illegal alien criminals released in New England, instead of deported by the Obama Administration, have committed many more serious crimes than the federal officials have admitted in the past. The officials claimed that many of the released criminals were not a danger to the public.

Central American Illegals Surge across Border

Illegal immigrants from Central American countries are crossing the Mexican border in numbers which approach those of 2014, when their entry drew major national attention. Many claim asylum, which prompted the following statement from Brandon Judd, the head of the union that represents Border Patrol agents,"What happens is if you are arrested in the United States and you ask for any sort of asylum, what we do is we will process you, and we will walk you right out our front door, give you a pat on the back and say, 'Welcome to the United States.' And they're good to go." Critics of this policy call it "de facto amnesty."

Network Smuggles Middle Easterners to Border

The Washington Times reports that a smuggling network is bringing Middle Easterners, some with terrorist connections, to the U.S.- Mexican border. Some have entered the U.S. illegally.

Immigration Numbers Rise

The level of immigration, legal and illegal, has significantly increased during the past two years, according to data collected by the Census Bureau. Between 2012 and 2013, 2.3 million immigrants arrived, about 1.1 million a year. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which did a report on the Census data, estimates that 350,000 of the arrivals each year were illegal immigrants. Between 2014 and 2015, 3.1 million immigrants came to the U.S., more than 1.5 million per year. Of those, 550,000 were illegal aliens. Accounting for the surge, said CIS, were increased immigration from Latin American countries other than Mexico, South Asia, and East Asia.

Buddhist Leader: Germany Shouldn’t Become Arab

The Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibetan Buddhism, stated that Europe must balance compassion with practicality as it deals with migration. The numbers are so high, he warned, that they threaten European identity. The Buddhist leader stated that "Germany . . . can't become an Arab country, Germany is Germany." He added, [F]rom a moral point of view too. I think the refugees should only be admitted temporarily. The goal should be that they return and rebuild their countries."

UN Chief Tells Europe to Welcome Invasion

Michael Moller, head of the UN's Geneva's office, attacked European leaders for not being sufficiently welcoming of the migrant invasion of their countries. He said they need to create a "positive narrative" the invasion. He added that leaders who are insufficiently enthusiastic about doing so are "pandering" to "xenophobic" and "racist positions."

Clinton’s Open Border Plan Exposed

Julia Hahn on Wednesday posted the most detailed -- and alarming -- analysis of Hillary Clinton's extreme open borders plans yet published. Clinton promises...

E.U. Aims to Keep Patriots from Power

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, vowed that the European Union would try to prevent patriotic parties opposed to mass immigration from coming to power. The European Commission is the executive arm of the E.U. Juncker tries to denigrate patriots by calling them "far-right." Said Juncker, "There will be no debate or dialogue with the far-right."

Feds to Build Detention Unit for Transgender Illegals

The Washington Times reported Monday that ICE plans to build a separate unit for transgender detainees in a new facility under construction in Alvarado, Texas....

Hungary: Obama Wants Muslims to Fill Europe

Janos Lazar, the chief of staff of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, charged that President Obama wants Europe to be filled with Muslim migrants. He also charged that billionaire currency speculator George Soros is backing this agenda. Soros is an American citizen who came to this country from Hungary as an immigrant. He has consistently used his fortune to weaken the sovereignty of nations and promote globalism. Said Lazar, "Not so long ago while visiting Europe, President Obama clearly spoke out in favor of the importance of migration, settlement and even the forced settlement [of migrants]." He added that "[Obama and America] are following a very strong pro-migration, pro-illegal migration policy in the interests of having as many Muslims as possible in Europe."