Arizona Sheriff Blasts Sen. Rubio

Cochise County Sheriff says Sen. Marco Rubio knows nothing about border conditions in Arizona.

DC Mayor to Migrants: “Don’t Come — It’s a Trick!”

The District of Columbia mayor, Muriel Bowser, complained on Sunday that alleged asylum seekers are being "tricked" into boarding buses for her city. The...

Administration Sabotages Title 42

Last month a federal judge ruled that the Biden Administration can't end Title 42, a provision allowing for expedited expulsion of illegal aliens. But...

Massive Border Surge Continues

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that the massive surge of illegal aliens across our southern border has scarcely abated, with 208,887 "migrant encounters"...

One-Third of Mexicans Would Like to Move to U.S.

A new survey by the Pew Research Center finds that one-third of all Mexicans would like to move to the U.S. Seventeen percent said that they would be willing to do so illegally. President Obama's support for amnesty gives them encouragement.

Multinationals Back Amnesties

Multinational corporations were among the leading backers of the amnesty for bills recently passed by the House to grant amnesty for illegal aliens. They...

Lawmakers Demand Answers and Action on Illegal Alien Surge

Four leading Republican members of Congress have called on the Obama administration to quickly address the recent spike in illegal immigration along the U.S.-Mexico...

Under Trump, ICE Agents Allowed to Do Their Jobs Again

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents say that under the new Trump administration, they've been empowered to carry out their duty to enforce immigration laws,...

Sessions: Obama Ignores Wage Impact of Immigration

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said it was "shocking" that President Obama would point to the problem of falling U.S. wages without mentioning the impact of mass immigration--which the president supports and wishes to increase.

Apprehensions Are Still High

The number of illegal aliens apprehended on the Southwest border declined slightly in October from the total of September. Despite some claims, this does...