CIS Exposes Bogus Tech Worker Shortage

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published a paper recounting  the stories of eleven Americans who lost their jobs to foreign workers who came to the U.S. on temporary visa programs. This is at a time when companies claim they can't find enough Americans to fill job openings.  The author of the paper, Matthew Sussis, notes that "Big corporations and their lobbyists will often claim that there is a 'shortage' of American STEM workers that necessitates an ever-growing number of 'high-skill' visas, such as H-1B, L-1, and H4 EAD. This is absolutely false. "In fact, only about a third of natives with college degrees in STEM fields actually hold STEM jobs, meaning there are millions of Americans who could be recruited prior to turning to foreigners. Foreign-educated immigrants are also less-skilled than U.S. degree holders when it comes to tests on numeracy, literacy, and computer operations. Foreign-educated immigrants with a college or advanced degree perform at about the level of Americans with only a high school diploma, according to test scores." Read More at

Poll: Asylum Too Easy

DHS Will Do DNA Testing

One tactic illegal aliens increasingly use to enter the U.S. and stay is to bring unrelated children with them. But they tell U.S. authorities that the children are family members because they know that this will increase the likelihood that they will be released into the U.S. if they apply for asylum. To crack down on this scam, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is launching a pilot program to do DNA testing to people claiming to be family members. The testing will involve a cheek swab which will provide results within about ninety minutes. Read more at

Florida House: Ban Sanctuaries

The Florida House has passed legislation to ban "sanctuary cities" in the state. The measure calls for a city to be fined $5,000 a day if it enacts a sanctuary law, i.e., a policy which forbids its authorities from cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement. A companion bill is now before the state senate. Florida's governor Ron DeSantis said during his election campaign that he would sign a sanctuary ban. The radical left-wing American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says that if this bill becomes law, people should not travel to Florida.  Read more at 

ICE Director: ‘Absolute Crisis’ at Border

Acting ICE Director Matthew Albence stated, in an interview on Fox News, that our country has an "absolute crisis" on its southern border. Thanks to legal loopholes which Congress refuses to correct migrants are allowed to stay in the U.S. when they have children accompanying them. Smugglers, said Albence, will "rent" children to border crossers and then "recycle" those children for more crossings. Until Congress fixes this problem, Albence affirmed, migrants will be "coming to every community in this country." See the interview at 

Trump Targets Visa Overstayers

According to some studies a majority of illegal aliens coming to the U.S. and settling here are not illegal border crossers. They are foreigners who come on legal short term visa who decide to remain after their visas expire.  The Trump Administration is proposing to crack down on this source of illegal immigration. Among steps under consideration are sanctions against countries with high rates of visa overstays and requiring that short-term visa holders post an "admission bond" when they enter the U.S.--an amount they would get back when they leave.  In reference to visa overstaying President Trump stated, "We have laws that need to be followed to keep Americans safe and to protect the integrity of a system where, right now, there are millions of people who are waiting in line to come to America to seek the American Dream." Read more at  

High Immigration Lowers Wages

President Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner said that a "number one" priority of the Trump Administration is "to protect American wages." Kushner didn't explain how this objective was consistent with the administration's announced objective to maintaining or even increasing the nation's current flow of legal immigration, now at the highest sustained level in our history. Kushner is one of the administration's leading advocates of mass immigration.  Read more at

Video Shows Armed Border Incursion

A government video shows heavily-armed men escorting migrants across the U.S.-Mexican border. Fox News reported that Border Patrol officials called this "an unusual event and express concern that it will become a more regular occurrence – possibly leading to violence." Read more at

HUD to Crack Down on Illegal Aliens

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is issuing a new rule to strengthen the ban on illegal aliens getting public housing. This move comes as millions of Americans are on waiting lists for government-assisted housing. Read more at  

Pro-Immigration Elites Scorn Masses

In the May issue of First Things, writer Matthew Schmitz argues that support for mass immigration by U.S. elites often stems from their disdain for average Americans. He observed that "Confident that I opposed all forms of ­bigotry, I failed to notice that support for migration is ­characterized in no small part by contempt. Our elites portray working-class Americans as violent, hateful, and incompetent. They revel in their suffering." Some examples Schmitz cited were as follows: "In a 2017 column for the New York Times, Bret ­Stephens proposed, 'So-called real Americans are screwing up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones.' In 2017, William Kristol said during a discussion with Charles Murray, 'Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in? . . . I’m serious.' In 2018, Max Boot wrote in the Washington Post that Trump’s supporters were “grumpy old white people who live in rural areas and lack college degrees.” In another column, he said that he wanted to 'keep the hard-working Latin American newcomers' and 'deport the contemptible Republican cowards' in Congress who had supported ­Donald Trump. Jennifer Rubin, his colleague at the Post, tweeted her agreement." Read more at