More on the Venezuelan Migrants’ Skirmish with Border Patrol

As reported here yesterday, the October 12 decision to begin sending Venezuelan illegal migrants back to Mexico is not sitting well with a lot of Venezuelans.

As noted here on October 17, a group of around 60 Venezuelans who had been deported attempted to rush the border crossing between Brownsville, Texas, and the Mexican city of Matamoros. That incident caused the port of entry there to be closed for several hours.

Then, over the weekend, another group of “mostly Venezuelans” fought with U.S. Border Patrol agents along the border near El Paso. Carrying a large Venezuelan flag, they assaulted at least one agent with the flagpole and struck another with a rock. The agents fired pepper balls at the migrants, driving them back across the Rio Grande.

These economic refugees may be fleeing the failed state of Venezuela, but they clearly are intending to bring their home country with them. Americans must disabuse themselves of “huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” These are would-be invaders yearning to grab anything they can.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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