Texas Schedules El Paso-to-Chicago Flights

In response to the city of Chicago’s crackdown on receiving busloads of migrants, the state of Texas has begun flying its excess migrants to the Windy City instead.

As of today, Texas has bused about 26,000 “asylum seekers” to Chicago, much to the city’s displeasure. This week, Mayor Brandon Johnson announced new rules regarding where the bused-in migrants could be dropped off, in an effort to mitigate the numbers. In response, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he would be adding flights to get around the busing rules.

As good as his word, on Tuesday the governor sent from El Paso the first flight, by private plane and carrying about 100 passengers, to O’Hare International Airport.

Public opinion in Chicago seems to be firmly against welcoming more illegal aliens. For that reason, the Chicago city government, composed exclusively of “democracy-loving” Democrats, has elected NOT to hold a referendum asking voters if the city’s sanctuary status should be repealed.

For more, see Breitbart News.


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