Nearly 17 Million Illegals Live in U.S.

A new report from the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), dated today, estimates there are currently 16.8 million illegals living in the U.S. That’s a 2.3-million increase from FAIR’s own end-of-2020 estimate of about 14.5 million, which means the illegal alien population increased 16 percent nationwide during the first two years of the Biden administration.

Furthermore, that figure of 16.8 million means this country is supporting an illegal nation-within-a-nation that has a population greater than all but 66 of the world’s 235 separate countries. And, according to FAIR, the financial costs of maintaining this separate nation and their offspring are staggering: around $163 billion. That figure itself is up $47 billion since the organization’s 2017 study, which estimated the cost at $116 billion.

FAIR acknowledges that these are merely estimates, and possibly underestimates at that, saying:

In truth, we do not know exactly how many people cross the border illegally and evade immigration authorities, nor can anyone accurately quantify overstays or gotaways. We can only estimate these figures based on changes in annual census data, along with how many individuals CBP and ICE believe slip through undetected,

The bottom line, however, is not even that we are simply two nations, one legal and one not. Considering the variety of ethnicities, religions, linguistic groups, and nationalities living within America’s borders, we have become a vast, almost infinitely diverse population–exactly what the political left has long worked for.

Put another way, by admitting the world, we have become the world. As a mere American citizen, you have no more status than any one of the other eight billion souls inhabiting this planet. Even less, actually, in the eyes of the elites running this country, who hold you and your ancestors accountable for all the world’s ills.

As Elon Musk would say, let that sink in.

For more, see FAIR website.


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