Morgan: 1.2 Million Illegals Entered in 2021, None Tested

Former acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan, appearing as a guest on Thursday’s edition of the Breitbart News Daily podcast, noted that three million illegal aliens attempted to enter this country in 2021. Of those, fully 600,000 are believed to have succeeded, as “got-aways.” Of the remainder, which were apprehended, between 600 and 700 thousand were admitted anyway. That makes at least 1.2 million aliens entered this country this year alone, either by themselves or with help from our government.


“And guess what?” Morgan asked. “Guess how many are being tested, and guess how many are being mandated to be vaccinated. Zero. . . . We know that a minimum of 25 percent of the illegal aliens crossing our borders have active COVID. . . .And they’re being flown to every town, city, and state in this country.”

Thus, while Joe Biden tells the American people it is their patriotic duty to be vaccinated, he has presided over the entry of more than a million aliens, with no testing and no vaccination mandate.

Morgan asks, “On what planet does that make sense?”

For more, see Breitbart News.


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