Migrants Overwhelm El Paso

Over the weekend, the city of El Paso, Texas, was overrun by a record 7,380 illegal migrants crossing the border from Mexico. Officials admitted that even that number may be understated because the massive influx has stretched thin Border Patrol agents who must somehow process and house the newcomers. With El Paso’s shelters filled well beyond capacity–the Border Patrol Central Processing Center, designed to hold 3,500, housed 5,100 on Sunday–at least 784 were turned loose on the streets of the city after processing.

The weekend’s tally of illegals included “one of the largest-ever single migrant crossing events in U.S. history”: a caravan of more than 1,000 that came over Sunday night. That group, the majority of whom appeared to be Nicaraguan nationals, had been escorted, hundreds at a time, by Mexican police to the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, at a point where the easily waded river is only about a foot deep. One member of the caravan, identified only as “Carmen,” complained to El Paso Matters that she was “being treated like a criminal,” which she and her traveling companions quite obviously are.

The weekend’s massive influx came at a time when Title 42, permitting immediate removal of some illegals, remains in effect. By court order, that policy is due to be discontinued Dec. 21, after which authorities are expecting the real crush to occur.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the person most responsible for this ongoing catastrophe, is expected to visit the area this week: no doubt to welcome to America the thousands of future voters.

For more, see Breitbart News.





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