Mayorkas Should Be Impeached

The Quote Below—More Misinformation from the Media

“No one – or almost no one – can deny that there is an immigration crisis in America. New legislation is needed, including more funding for a fair and effective system for controlling the border and handling the asylum process. In the Senate, key Republicans and Democrats are at least talking together about how to deal with the problem.

“Not so in the House.

“Last week, the House committee on Homeland Security raced to complete hearings on the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas, promising to bring charges against him by the end of the month. . . . According to the committee’s chairman, Mark Green, a Republican from Tennessee, “The truth is that Secretary Mayorkas has disregarded court orders, laws passed by Congress and has lied to the American people. . . . Who wants a secretary that can just disregard the fundamental pillars of the Constitution? We cannot tolerate that, whether they are a Republican or Democrat.”

“But neither Green nor any other member of the committee could cite any ‘high crimes or misdemeanors’ committed by Mayorkas, nor could they point to any precedent for using impeachment – an extraordinary remedy – as the tool for resolving what is essentially a policy dispute with the administration.

“Impeachment requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate, which will simply not happen. . . . But you can try, which is what Republicans on the committee are apparently united in doing, not because it will change anything but because it will satisfy their hard-line base and score political points. It’s a tactic that is no more effective than putting migrants on buses, as the governors of Florida and Texas have done, and shipping them off to New York and Los Angeles and other cities for Democratic mayors to deal with. . . .. — How Not to Fix The Immigration Crisis, Susan Estrich, Tahleq Daily Press. 1/26/34  [Link]

Fact Check of Above Quote: If Alejandro Mayorkas hasn’t committed “high crimes and misdemeanors,” then we must conclude that it’s impossible for anyone to commit these offenses. From the beginning of the Biden Administration, DHS Secretary Mayorkas has tirelessly worked to make the immigration laws of our country null and void. In the words of Mark Homan, former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement: “In just a few short months, the Biden Administration has created a disaster on Southern border of the United States. It did so by methodically—and by all means intentionally—undoing every meaningful border security measure that had been in place. And Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been effectively shut down.”

With respect to internal immigration law enforcement, conducted by ICE, Mayorkas has ignored the law and declared that illegal aliens are exempt from deportation, unless they commit very serious crimes. Ironically, the deportation of those criminal aliens has declined under Biden.

As for border control, the administration largely ceased to expel illegal aliens. Instead of arresting them, the Border Patrol now spends most of its time processing them into the country. While the vast majority of these migrants are coming for economic reasons, the administration promotes the false narrative that they are legitimate asylum seekers. Under the law, asylum seekers are supposed to be detained until their cases are heard, Mayorkas ignores this law, lets them in, and allows them settle freely throughout the United States. He does so by twisting the law providing for parole. That law permits limited admission of non-visa foreigners on a case-by-case basis for humanitarian reasons and for benefits they may offer the country.

In contrast, Mayorkas indiscriminately bestows parole on a large number of the arriving migrants, which allows them to stay in the U.S. until their asylum hearings. Thanks to a huge backlog of asylum cases, that typically won’t happen for years. And if some of these aliens bother to show up for the hearings and lose, they will face little danger of deportation if the Biden-Mayorkas rules are still in effect.

For all practical purposes, the administration has set up a parallel immigration system outside the laws passed by Congress—a blatant violation of the Constitution. This system has aided, abetted, and encouraged record levels of illegal immigration since Joe Biden became president. Mayorkas—and Biden too—deserve impeachment. The House needs to send this message, regardless of what the Senate may do.


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