Massachusetts Licenses Illegals

Beginning July 1, new driver’s licenses will be issued to up to 85,000 residents of Massachusetts, regardless of their immigration status. The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is expecting an influx of illegal aliens getting in line.

Democrats statewide are applauding the new law. For example, State Sen. Brendan Crighton, one of the lead sponsors of the bill, declared that “Our roads are safer if everybody is operating under the same set of rules.”

The old set of rules–which required everyone to have legal residency–would seem to have fit that bill, but it wasn’t working because you-know-who, in keeping with their lawlessness, were ignoring the existing law. As the article on says, just because a license was required, “That doesn’t mean people unable to get a driver’s license haven’t been driving.”

Living–and driving–outside the law has caused the unlicensed undocumented to live in fear, as criminals do. Yet, as a specially protected criminal class, illegal aliens should not have to live in fear, according to the left, in spite of their behavior.

The article even contrives a couple of new reasons for having abolished the existing law: enforcing it was just too troubling and tiresome for the police:

[M]any officers are aware that towing the car of an unlicensed driver and fining them for violating the law can cause emotional stress and add a financial burden for a person.

Anyone who’s ever been stopped by the police and forced to pay exorbitant fines and court costs can certainly relate to the officer’s obvious concern over the added “financial burden,” right? What’s more,

[S]tops are time-consuming for police, easily taking up an hour or more while waiting for a tow truck to arrive.

We all know that police have better things to do than enforce the law.

The fact is, Massachusetts, like all the left-leaning blue states in America, wants to make illegal aliens as comfortable with their lawless choices as possible, because that’s what their prevailing ideology requires. Absurd claims that police worry about “financial burdens” and being distracted from “proactive neighborhood patrolling” is hooey.

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