Kennedy: Border Control Is Humanitarian

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has affirmed the need for border control. Kennedy is now seeking the Democratic nomination for president. He stated:

“When it comes to the divisive issue of border policy, here is the first principle I want everyone to understand. The reason for strong border control is not xenophobia, bigotry, or hate. The reason is humanitarian conscience. . . . Ruthless criminal cartels have woven drugs, immigration, and human trafficking together into a multibillion-dollar business.”

Commenting on Kennedy’s statement, Neil Munro of Breitbart News observed that: “Kennedy is trying to restore the Democrat party’s former skepticism about migration, which largely ended when President Barack Obama signaled his support for illegal migration in 2012.

“Obama’s signal prompted status-seeking progressive voters to discard their claimed support for working-class Americans, and to instead vociferously support mass illegal migration as a ‘humanitarian’ cause.”




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