Globalists Push Mass Migration

Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge explains why elites in Western countries are so keen on promoting mass immigration without regard for national sovereignty or for the wishes of most of the citizens of those countries. He maintains that their goal is global rule with power concentrated in their hands:

“The primary purpose of [these] globalists is to erase national borders and homogenize all countries and cultures under one economic and governmental system. They have openly admitted to this plan on numerous occasions. One of the most revealing quotes on the agenda comes from Clinton Administration Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, who stated in Time magazine in 1992 that:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority. . . . National sovereignty wasn’t such a good idea after all.”

Durden continues:  “The people who push for this agenda are generally members of a number of globalist organizations, from the Council on Foreign Relations to the Tavistock Institute to the World Economic Forum to the IMF or World Bank. . . .  However, these think-tank groups are only part of the bigger picture. They are supported by some of the largest banking and investment corporations in the world, including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, HSBC, Vanguard, Blackrock, etc.

“If you want to know why mass illegal immigration is a growing crisis at this time and why the current government has been actively trying to enforce an open border policy in the US, simply look into the financial aspects of pro-illegal immigration lobbying groups and think tanks pushing open borders messaging into the mainstream. You will find many of these banks and investment funds connected to them in one way or another.”



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